Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stepping Stones: Learn to Linger

Transformational Thought

If we are so busy that we neglect our time of lingering around with God, then we are definitely too busy. When we are so busy, usually our responsibilities are the heaviest, and that’s when we need God the most. So something needs to change. But where do we start?

We can learn from Jesus. During the time He walked on earth, His responsibility was greater than any of us could imagine, while He also knew His time was extremely limited. But He never let all the "doing" He had on His plate interfere with His time with His Father. As we can see in today's scripture, He left the crowds…and even the disciples…to spend time alone with His Father, our Father. He lingered in prayer.

When we think we are too busy to spend quality time with God…praying and meditating on His Word…we are really fooling ourselves. The amazing paradox is that only when we linger with the Father will everything else in our life can actually fall into place. It is only when we spend time with Him that we can overcome our hurry sickness we discussed yesterday.

How busy are you? Do you have days when you feel you can barely "keep your head above water"? How has the busyness affected your personal relationship with God? Have you put your time with Him on the back burner…an after thought to take care of when you get a chance? Or worse yet, are you neglecting quiet time with God altogether?

During one of Jesus' visits to the home of Mary and Martha, Mary lingered at the feet of Jesus while Martha worked frantically in the kitchen, trying to prepare a meal that was just right. She complained to Jesus that Mary wasn't helping her and urged Him to send Mary into the kitchen to help. Here is how Jesus responded:

But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42

Martha was letting the details of doing everything just right control her. Mary had learned to linger at the feet of Jesus.

Today, learn to just be with God! Linger with Him, even though you might think you need to move on to the next activity of life. Think about what Jesus did for you and why. What can your response be to His love and sacrifice for you? Don’t get so caught up with the minutiae of the world and your need for satisfaction now. Spend time getting to know who He is and why He died for you. Then listen to Him. WITHIN REACH helps motivate you to spend time with and pay attention to God’s instructions and will.

Father, I know I've been neglecting my quiet time with You. I realize now that the more I have neglected You, the more I've let the busy details of everyday living control me. My priorities have been out of order, and I have become more and more frustrated. Please forgive me and help me learn to linger before You. Give me clearer lenses to view how great You are and how little and unimportant everything else in this world is. I pray this and all prayers in the name of Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone.
Matthew 14:23