Monday, February 28, 2011

Stepping Stones: Who Are You Building a Tower With?

Transformational Thought

Yesterday we talked about unity. Where there is unity, there is much strength … even if people are unified for the wrong reason.

After the flood in Genesis, the world had only one language. The people decided to build a great city with a tower that would go to the heavens. Why? Not to honor God, but to make a name for themselves, and to prevent being scattered over the face of the whole earth. Knowing that this would be an ongoing temptation for man, God confused the language of the people and scattered them all over the earth.

Unity in and of itself is not necessarily good ... it’s the object or cause that unifies the people that is important. So, we need to make sure we are pursuing Godly causes with Godly motives. The oneness we should seek must be in Christ and through Christ, which reunites us with the Father and honors our Savior, Jesus Christ.

These people of Genesis truly were powerfully united. But their purpose was prideful and offensive to the holiness of God. They were not seeking to reunite with God. They were pursuing equality with God, actually trying to be like God with divine acceptance and status, but through their own human effort.

It sounds ridiculous to say, “I would never do that,” right? But we act and think a number of times each day with that same “my kingdom come” mentality. We idolize or focus on ourselves first, and don’t bring God into the picture until we become desperate or until someone else reminds us that God is part of our lives.

If we unite to seek power or success, focusing solely on human effort, for human rewards, from human motivations, we displease God … and are destined to ultimately fail. This especially holds true for the church; we must be focused on Christ, not on the building, organization, or denomination.

Today, take a look at those you are uniting with … for what goal … and with what motivation. Where is Jesus and the gospel in this pursuit? Be focused on honoring God, not yourself. Always recognize your total dependence on Him. Let us stand together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News.

My Father and my Lord, Forgive me for the times that I've united with others to accomplish something, focusing on selfish ambition and desires rather than honoring You and accomplishing Your will. Help me to always focus on You more than any organization or ambition. It is my desire and goal to honor You in all I do. I pray this and all prayers for the One who teaches about true unity, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News.
Philippians 1:27

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: ‘Til we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Ephesians 4:12,13

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stepping Stones: How Selective is Your Club?

Transformational Thought

So many clubs exist that have very specific criteria for membership … the Italian Club … civic clubs like Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis … Masons … country clubs … labor unions … political parties. Different companies are selective, as are the Pittsburgh Steelers or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Colleges, med schools, the military … even families have criteria and selection processes for membership.

In today's world, harmony and tolerance have become goals within themselves. Peace at any cost … All ways lead to God … Live and let live. Such "tolerant" attitudes actually lead to intolerance of anyone who claims to have the answer or truth. Religions or moral “clubs,” or groups with a certain belief, seem to be treated differently. Having criteria, or a selection process seems to be intolerable.

Jesus made it clear that He is the only way to God, the only way to real peace. In Isaiah 9:6 He is called the Prince of Peace. God calls us to love all people, but agreeing that other faiths can lead to God just so we can seek unity and “peace” is to deny our own faith … the teachings of God, the existence and work of Jesus, and the Holy Bible. And in doing so, we deny Jesus as our Savior.

As Christians, we are not expressing Christ-like love when we are willing to accept as OK the beliefs of those who deny Christ or who live sinful lifestyles … all for the sake of unity and peace. The Bible is clear about God, Jesus, and moral issues.

The double standard for “clubs” really shows me the existence, power, and agenda of Satan, who wants people to believe being nice is all you need to do to be Holy, thus engaging with God by avoiding Christ. Satan wants to push the idea that we can connect with God on our own power, through our efforts. This is why we get stuck on the law, legalism, and have difficulty absorbing God’s gracious gift of forgiveness.

Today, begin expressing Jesus' love by loving people where they are, by building relationships with them and, as the Holy Spirit leads, by sharing the truths of the Gospel with them. Jesus is the only answer. Don’t let anybody guilt you into thinking Christianity is the only club with intolerant selection criteria. Show them how compassion and rigidity can coexist.

My Father, Help me never to deny my faith by accepting the unscriptural beliefs of others for the sake of unity and peace. Help me love others, no matter what their faith. Help me love them enough to build relationships with them and, as the Holy Spirit leads, to share the truth of the Gospel with them … and to do so with love. Help me communicate in a manner that lets all understand that Jesus is the only way. I pray this and all prayers through the One you sent to show us the way, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."
John 14:6

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stepping Stones: One Step at a Time…It’s a Journey

Transformational Thought

Some days are so busy, hectic … actually, even crazy. The world keeps on coming at me … phone calls, requests, glitches in the plan, mail, extra bills, problems, new opportunities … these never seem to slow down. In fact, as I get older, the demands on me come faster. Feelings and perspective of being so far behind easily wrap their fingers around my neck … slowly choking me.

For some people, there are occasionally days when the grip is so tight, things seem hopeless. For others, there’s an endless string of helpless or hopeless days. It is hard to visualize and experience that the hopeless feelings or days will ever end.

Some of the problem is how we measure “behind” or “ahead.” We often get sucked into the world’s standard or metrics. We have limited control over some of the demands coming our way. So how can we actually measure something we can’t control to determine progress? What we do control is how we respond to what comes our way … and that’s how we should measure progress.

The answer? Measure how well your response to the demands and twists of life is rooted in being focused on God. He will bring peace, comfort, and answers, and walk with you through the busyness and demands. He promises to be our guide along the journey, so measure how well you follow your guide, not how many paths you have to choose from.

Ask God to clear your thinking and remove any obstacles that may exist in your relationship with Him. Perhaps you have made some poor decisions or used bad judgment. God is there to forgive you and help you get back on track. Your past always wants to interfere with your present decisions, but it doesn’t have to. Whether it gets in the way or not is determined by how intentional you are to examine it and do something about it.

Today and every day, remind yourself that life is a journey … a series of steps. Identify 2 paths you take that cause you problems. Remember that you can create the environment for change, but God does the changing. You don’t have to keep going down the same paths that lead to trouble. And the Bible assures us that with Him, all things are possible. Let Him be your guide. WITHIN REACH helps you apply His guidance to every decision you make today.

My Father and my Lord, Thank You for being my constant guide. Help me be sensitive … and obedient … to Your guidance. Give me eyes that see and ears that hear Your leading … Your nudging … Your encouragement. Also, when I am off course and on dangerous detours, let me be open to Your will to redirect me back on track even if You need to forcibly push me. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the One You sent to teach us, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever, and he will guide us until we die."
Psalm 48:14

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stepping Stones: Accomplishments and Failures…or Jesus?

Transformational Thought

We all have done things we wish we could take back. Maybe we've lived a sinful lifestyle, been selfish and unkind, made some parenting mistakes, said hurtful things to a loved one, or just experienced a lot of failure in life. Maybe we still struggle with relationships, anxieties, guilt, shame, and “what ifs”.

But on the other hand, maybe we've lived a pretty good life and achieved a high level of success. We really like being defined by that. We like feeling good about what we've done. We are energized by the praise and admiration of others.

But you know what? Our accomplishments aren't really that impressive to God. He sees our hearts. He knows that they are not always pure. Praise God that he doesn't define us by what we've done … regardless of how good or bad it’s been. He judges us by whether we accept what Christ did for us. He knows that we need Jesus. We need to know that too.

He died on the cross so that the penalty could be paid and our sins could be forgiven. And when we believe and accept the sacrifice he made for us, we are cleansed. Then God sees us as though we have never sinned! And that's our new identity ... a follower of Christ, clothed in His righteousness.

You see, we know we have made mistakes, but since we’ve done a bunch of good things, and we can do more, we underestimate the big gap between us and HOLY. We can never, no matter how hard and long we try, and I mean never, make up the gap between ourselves and God.

We can't do enough to earn our way … that's why we need Jesus. We are defined not by our accomplishments or failures, but by who we are in Christ. All the accomplishments in the world don't mean a thing when it comes to getting right with God and spending eternity with Him.

Today, if you are not a fully committed follower of Christ, you can make that decision right now. No matter what your past ... no matter how good or bad your behavior ... you need Jesus. He loves you and is reaching out to you right now. Do you want to meet Him? Just tell Him that you know you need Him ... and that you want to follow Him. Why wouldn’t you want Jesus in your life? He is ready ... are you?

If you are a Christian, rejoice like you did the day you accepted Jesus in your life as your personal Savior. Send this to someone you love who needs Jesus, and follow it with a phone call to discuss sending this blessing.

My Father and my Lord, I believe that your Son died for my sins. Please forgive me for all my past. I'm ready for a change. I want to follow You ... and do life Your way. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the one who died so that I may have eternity with the only God, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.
Romans 3:23-24

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stepping Stones: Forgiveness: The Reason and the Responsibility

Transformational Thought

We hear this phrase a lot, and often in the wrong context or delivered from an impure heart. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free - John 8:32. Forgiveness requires that we face the truth. The truth of Christ's forgiveness. The truth of our own need for forgiveness. The truth that if we are ever to be free, we must receive Christ's forgiveness and forgive those who have hurt us.

In order to experience true freedom, we must forgive those who have caused us harm or disappointment … even when that means forgiving ourselves. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. But God treats us much better than we deserve … and because of Christ Jesus, when we turn to Him, He freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins.

How can we do less? Forgiven by the Lord, we have the power, the reason, and the responsibility to forgive others. Forgiveness is not a feeling we need to muster up, it is an actual choice we make. When you realize it is a choice, then you must consider, ‘what are my options?’

Door #1: Don’t forgive; remain aloof, detached, or bitter, resentful, angry, vengeful. A terrible side effect is, and this is the worst for me, they still have power over you. That’s because you need to extract some payment or amends from others … an apology, their suffering or an experience of pain, a sacrifice, or penance .… and they could withhold it as long as they want and play with you like a puppet.

Door #2: Forgive; let go of that bitterness, revenge, and entitlement. Freedom from the past. Opportunity to grow something better with them. Or totally disconnect from them because now you don’t need anything from them to make the “transaction” complete. You have relieved them of their debt, so they can’t “withhold” anything from you and string you along. Now you are letting God be their judge. And He is much better at determining their consequences and doling it out to them.

Sometimes it is hard to let go. In fact, when we have been deeply hurt, it may not be possible to forgive … on our own, that is. But it is important to remember that we don't have to do it alone. Through the power of Christ, God has forgiven us. When we truly and humbly accept it, we have the power to forgive any one else for any transgression against us. Real freedom! Your decision, choose well. WITHIN REACH helps you overcome your obstacles to forgiving.

Today, examine your heart. Identify relationships where you have uneasiness, anger, bitterness, resentment, revenge, sarcasm, or irritation. You probably have some forgiveness to make a decision about. If you are struggling to forgive, ask God to help you. He loves you, He cares and He is able. Look at your other option. It is way more painful to not forgive than it is to forgive.

Dear Father God, I've kept these feelings of resentment and unforgiveness buried much too long. Help me to face the truth … and then to forgive myself and others. I now realize that forgiveness isn’t about them feeling good, it is for me to feel better and be right with You! Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness. Help me to show the same to others, even those who have hurt me. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the one who paid for my forgiveness, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:23-24

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stepping Stones: Wound Salve: Forgiveness

Transformational Thought

We all experience setbacks and disappointments in life. Sometimes they are small ones that we shrug off or learn from, and then we move on. But sometimes disappointments have more impact. They stay with us, causing the past to haunt our present … and bleed into our future.

The setback could be anything: bankruptcy … a failed marriage … termination from a job … a poor decision … a friendship gone sour. It might be losing a parent at a young age, or the death of a spouse or someone else we cared for deeply. It could be being a victim of various kinds of abuse. Rejection, whether small or large, from parents, teachers, peers, the popular group, a crush, or an employer inflicts wounds. Unless really processed (and who can truly do that as a young kid?) these wounds will periodically be opened and ooze when we experience present day hurts. Theses hurts could be in our own lives, noticed in others, or seen in the media.

A natural tendency when we have suffered a wound is to try to place blame on someone. Perhaps we hold another person responsible. Sometimes we blame ourselves. We might even get angry with God. Anger is OK, but bitterness, revenge, or helplessness is not. These are a few signs that real forgiveness hasn’t taken place yet.

God has promised us a future and a hope. But not forgiving the offender can block our ability to experience all the freedom and healing that He has planned for us – healing for our past wounds, and worse yet, their insidious ripples. As long as we are unwilling to forgive, the hurt of the past has control over our lives, and we cannot move forward. You see, forgiveness is the salve that will soothe the wound and make it ready for the powerful healing that the death of Christ and the grace of God will ultimately bring.

Today, for some of you, it’s time to focus on forgiving those who have hurt you. For others, it's probably time to forgive yourself. God has, so don’t be so prideful as to think you could never forgive yourself. It's time to open our hearts to the love and forgiveness of our heavenly Father. And then you will be set free from some of your past and it will be time to move on to the wonderful plans He has for you.

Father, help me to truly put the past behind and look forward to what lies ahead. Thank You for forgiving my sins. Help me to walk in the gift of forgiveness … for others and myself. Help me search those past wounds with different lenses, those of an adult, growing in the knowledge and skills of Christ. Guide my learning and help me to apply what I learn so I can produce the good works, inside and outside, that you have prepared me for, even through those past wounds. I pray this through the one who gave his life to have my sins forgiven, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Philippians 3:13-14

To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
Acts 26:18

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stepping Stones: Friends or Fools?

Transformational Thought

As I look back over my childhood, I recall my mother paying close attention to those I selected as friends. If she saw me making friends with someone she thought was not a healthy relationship, she would gently wean me away from that person. She would tell me that God would always provide two new great friends for every not-so-good-friend that I lost. Not sure where that verse is in the Bible.

Today's scripture makes it clear that our choice of friends plays a vital role in our lives. This is especially true for teenagers. They are no longer children, but they are not yet adults in judgment either. To fit in, feel valued, and develop their “own” identity separate from their parents, or to figure out who they are, teens tend to pick up or adopt many of the behaviors, values, and characteristics of the people they are observing and hanging around.

This is a difficult age for teens. They don't understand their limitations and underestimate or fail to recognize many dangers. Parents will allow them to make many more independent decisions than in the past, but must still enforce some boundaries when there are activities or relationships that could cause their teens harm.

Recognize the peer pressure that will be placed on your teen, and offer alternative answers. Do not "put down" your child's friends, but rather encourage godly relationships.

Church attendance is very important and should not be optional. Church youth groups can be invaluable sources of godly friends and activities. Encourage your teen to take part in these. Strongly encourage involvement in extra-curricular activities. Sports, band, specialty clubs, dance or music lessons are all possibilities for healthy involvement.

If you are having a hard time wrapping your mind around why our kids crumble and do such stupid things and are easily influenced by their peers, just look at how many adults act. Trying to keep up with the Joneses, playing games and politics in the workplace, gossiping, influencing others to engage in inappropriate work practices, having affairs at work. We adults struggle with discerning friends from fools and we often don’t model what we preach.

Today, focus on being involved as a family in godly activities with godly people who have kids the same age as your teenager. Examine the friendships and the relationships that influence your behavior. Are you proud of what you are doing? Don't have ungodly relationships…your teen will notice the hypocrisy. Your decision, choose well.

My dear heavenly Father, Please lead my children, regardless of their ages, into relationships that will influence them in a positive way. Give me wisdom to guide them and courage to protect them. Help me love the friends I do not approve and remember to pray for them, also. I pray this in the name our perfect friend, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.
Proverbs 13:20

Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble.
1 John 2:9,10

Monday, February 21, 2011

Stepping Stones: Carsick on Your Spiritual Journey?

Transformational Thought

Life is filled with many kinds of losses. All losses hurt, whether they are big ones or little ones. We recover quickly from some losses … others take months, even years to absorb. Certain losses are temporary while others are permanent.

In today's environment of business closings and downsizing, many are facing the loss of their jobs. This kind of loss can be devastating to anyone, especially the breadwinner of a family. Even if it is a second job, it may represent a threat to survival.

Job loss can produce many emotions, but fear is usually at the root of any uncomfortable response. Will I lose my home? My child is leaving for college this fall—will I have to break the news that it will be impossible? We have built up credit card debt trying to keep our heads above water … what now? Who will respect me? Will our marriage survive this pressure?

These and many other concerns are very real and can seem extremely threatening. If we keep our eyes on the waves of hardship, we will sink into despair and hopelessness. This is a time when it is difficult … but imperative … to focus on Jesus, not on the problems. This is a time to remember that He, not our job, is our source of value, peace, security, comfort, redemption, and abundance.

We may go through some real challenges. We may have to tighten our belts and make some sacrifices. These struggles are not easy, but with Jesus we have hope and a powerful peace. Our job may be gone. The economy may be falling apart. But God has not changed. Step back from the hardship and see your life from God’s perspective. It is because of his mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed.

Today, dig into the areas where you struggle or have experienced some recent hardship. What is the fear at the bottom of the issue? Infuse Jesus’ teachings into your fear, let Him bring healing and comfort to your pain. Then re-evaluate your struggle. Remember that great and abundant is His stability and faithfulness in all things.

My Father and my Lord, This economy and my finances have left me feeling angry and fearful. Help me to regroup … to remember that You are here, that You love me and my family, and that You have a plan. Help me remember that You have not been taken by surprise and that You have already made a way for us. Thank You that Your compassion never fails and that Your stability and faithfulness are abundant. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the One who provides my stability, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stepping Stones: Carsick on Your Spiritual Journey?

Transformational Thought

We were driving from the Isle of Skye to the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland. Beautiful scenery, driving through the Highlands and seeing some waterfalls and lush green landscape alongside the windy, scenic roads. Stopping for fish and chips at a small fishing town. Everything on this 7-hour trip was going great until we added a PB&J snack. Nine year old Dominique got so carsick she vomited all over the back seat and on Nicole. First time she ever threw up.

Have you ever been carsick? Weird feeling. The primary reason for carsickness is that as the car races along, passengers are not able to focus on a solid object. But who is the one person in a car that never gets sick? The driver. Why are drivers protected? They are focused on the road ahead, looking intently at the solid objects outside the car that aren't bouncing and turning. They have a good sense of where the horizon is. Their vision, their perspective, their worldview is grounded in something unchanging – the horizon.

In carsickness, the main problem is the conflicting data between our eyes, our inner ear motion receptors, and the motion receptors throughout our body in the tissues below our skin. When we intentionally walk, all 3 of these areas are in sync and focused on a common motion task, therefore, motion sickness doesn’t exist.

The key is in the word focus. When we are focused … intentionally walking forward and not distracted in several different directions … not confusing our inner systems, no motion sickness occurs. Are we focusing on Christ … who never changes … or are we focusing on the circumstances that keep turning and swirling, and change with each wind that blows? Focusing on Jesus will bring much-needed direction and get rid of some of the motion sickness we experience on our spiritual journey.

Today, when you are faced with adversity, on what truths or principles will you focus? Are they from the grounded, tested truths of the Bible? Or are they flimsy, vacillating, imitations from this world? Are you focusing too much on external circumstances instead of your inner relationship with God? Feeling carsick on your spiritual journey is a warning sign that you aren’t focused on the absolute truth. Re-orient and focus back on the cross and God’s promises, and bring this focus to those trouble areas. WITHIN REACH will teach you skills and self-assessment tools to keep you focused on God in all your everyday activities and decisions.

My Father and my Lord, I know I have been focusing too much on problems instead of on Jesus. And as the circumstances around me change, I have become confused and discouraged … I am almost constanly “car sick.” I am bouncing from one crutch to another, looking for answers in so many wrong places. Help me fix my eyes on Jesus. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the one who focused only on You, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stepping Stones: Love One Another Through The Conflict

Editor’s Note: Today we celebrate Stepping Stones’ 2nd birthday and thanks to you, over 10,000 people get Stepping Stones each day. We get great encouragement and testimonials from you daily and we thank you so much. As a result of its popularity, Stepping Stones has led to Solomon’s Portico, our devotional for teens/young adults. Thank you, God, for using and blessing us through this community of Your children!

Transformational Thought

Conflict, such a powerful word … it conjures up many different feelings and tapes in our head. In today’s scripture, Paul exhorts believers to agree with one another, to love each other, and to work together with one mind and purpose.

Jesus’ last instructions, moments before he ascended to heaven, leave no doubt about what the church is to be doing: “And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

If we are to be effective witnesses, as Christians, we need to work together with one mind and purpose (the mind of Christ). Our witness can be hurt … and even destroyed … if we are involved in pride, bickering, gossip and other habits that can only lead to strife and division. We need to set aside personality conflicts, social differences, cliquishness, and anything else that divides us and keeps us from accomplishing the purpose God has for us and for those we are to minister to on His behalf.

Conflict is obviously more complex than this, but a ‘my kingdom come, my will be done’ instead of ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done mentality’ is the key ingredient that steers the process to a fleshly demise instead of a God-glorifying experience.

Many excuses allow us to fall back on and avoid working through a conflict with another person. Don’t fall into the laziness trap or the addiction to comfort we all suffer from when you have this difficult but important decision to make. In the long run avoiding the conflict will be more harmful to you than the uneasiness you will feel while trying to solve the conflict.

Today, think of an area in your life in which you are experiencing division with a sister or brother in Christ. Are you putting Christ in the center? Your greatest need should be to please God and honor Him, not ease your own discomfort, guilt, or ego. Specifically acknowledge an incident or situation where you have failed in the area of relationship. Prayerfully examine how pride might be playing a role in the division. Your decision, choose well.

My Father and my Lord, Please forgive me for sometimes allowing pride or other wrongful attitudes to lead to division with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me to do my part in walking in unity so that we all might be more effective witnesses for Jesus and accomplish what You have called us to do. Help me build courage to withstand the pain, hurt, or anger I sometimes feel in conflicts, knowing You can provide more to me in that pain than in the good times. I pray this and all prayers for the one was the perfect witness, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.
Philippians 2:2

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stepping Stones: Be Strong and Courageous

Transformational Thought

When our oldest daughter, Dominique, was about four years old, we took her to Dairy Queen to see the Easter Bunny. While driving there, I was getting so excited to see her reaction. We walked in and there was a 6 foot tall Easter Bunny. Poor Dominique was scared and terrified, because she was expecting a little six-inch Easter Bunny. She was afraid the 6 foot Easter Bunny was going to attack her. She cried and didn’t take her eyes off him for one second … and never even touched her beloved ice cream. Needless to say, after being unable to console her, we left very quickly.

We have all experienced fear and discouragement at times. In today’s scripture God is speaking to Joshua, telling him to be strong and courageous. “Do not be afraid or discouraged.” How is this possible?

Joshua was faced with the tremendous responsibility of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, conquering the land, and setting up residence. There would be times of defeat … great challenges … biting criticism … and immense frustration. And yet God told him not to fear or be discouraged … “because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

What a wonderful promise! As we submit to God, making Jesus Lord of our lives, we, too, can be assured that He will be with us wherever we go. He will protect us, comfort us, defend us, teach us, guide us, and love us unconditionally. No matter how bleak things may look, or what challenges or sorrows we may face, we can know that our heavenly Father is with us. And as we trust Him and walk in obedience, He will work all things together for our good and growth.

Are you feeling afraid or discouraged right now? Perhaps you don’t feel as though God is with you. The good news is that feelings can lie … but God’s promises are always true.

Today, no matter what your circumstances, you can be strong and courageous. Think about where you get your confidence from as you engage in your everyday activities … or when the pressure is on. Does your confidence come from you? If so, your confidence reserve is pretty shallow and will soon run out. Your confidence needs to come from God … from His promises, teachings, and character. WITHIN REACH will help you see where your confidence comes from and how to tap into God and the Holy Spirit for your confidence and empowerment.

My Father and my Lord, Thank You that I can always count on You. Even though I don’t always sense Your presence, help me to remember Your Word - that You are always with me. Help me to focus on You, not on the circumstances. Help me to be strong and courageous. I pray this and all prayers for the one who teaches us how to be strong and courageous, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stepping Stones: Are You Looking In The Right Places?

Transformational Thought

God never promised us days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain … but He did promise strength to get through each day, comfort for the tears, and a lighthouse to guide the way. As you provide finances, care, comfort, or support for an aging parent, or a disabled spouse, child, or friend, God is the only place to turn towards for lasting strength and hope.

While at times you might not understand why you and your family are facing these challenges, if you seek God, you will find Him. He promises to hear your prayers and meet your needs. He is your source. He is the one who will make the impossible, possible. He has so much for us, but we have to look in the right places. His peace won’t be in a bar, in food, an affair, money, pornography, or anything on this Earth. Too often we look in the wrong places and wonder why we don’t find His love, comfort, peace, grace, forgiveness, or instruction.

I mistaken look at me all His provisions. My initial reaction often times is to do as much as I can…God did give me a gift of skills to help solve problems … so I get after the problem. Then when I reach the end of my resources and skills, I call on God. I have them in the wrong order. Seek God first, then attack the problem.

Too often we exhaust ourselves with our own efforts before we ask God for His help and provision for our needs. We focus on the need and become overwhelmed by it. But He will help us. He wants us to pray to Him for the strength, wisdom, and resources to accomplish His will.

Today, when you have difficult circumstances, notice whether you feel His peace and comfort. If yes, awesome. If not, then examine where you look for God’s support in times of stress. Take time to meditate on God's Word. The Bible has a great deal to say about aging and care giving concerns. You will find guidance, strength and hope. Open your Bible and spend quiet time with God every day. No matter how busy you are, determine to set aside that special time with Him. And remember that He is with you every moment of the day.

Dear God, at times I get so weary, physically and emotionally. And sometimes I find myself turning everywhere else for help before coming to You. Help me to remember to always come to You first. I know that You are truly my source of strength. You have so many promises and are faithful to them. Help me remember that when my lenses get stressed. I want to look to You, and not to cheap imitations of peace and comfort. I pray this and all prayers for the one who is the ultimate caregiver, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:31-34

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stepping Stones: Are You Listening?

Transformational Thought

You all should know by now I’m big on decision-making. I have 3 great daughters, aged 18, 16, and 10 years old … really great kids. But sometimes I wonder about the decisions they make. In those wrong decision making times, they certainly weren’t listening to the advice I was giving them.

Who were they listening to other than me ... and why were they listening to that advice? That “advisor” doesn’t love them as much as I do … doesn’t know them as well as I do … doesn’t want the best for them as much as I do.

Well, what about you? When you make decisions, whose instructions are you listening to? We make between 5,000 and 10,000 decisions per day … seriously. When you make some of your decisions, which voice do you listen to? The crazy world’s … or Satan’s prodding? Your flesh and it’s ‘MY kingdom come’ agenda? Or the Holy Spirit’s still small voice and God’s instruction manual, the Holy Bible?

In today's passage, God is lamenting the fact that no one is listening. You can feel the sadness in His heart as He speaks these words. He pleads with His people: Please listen to Me!

He is speaking to you! Why? Because He loves you and wants to save you from so much hardship and its consequences ... just as our parents give us instruction and pointers for long term fulfillment and satisfaction. God actually knows more than our parents … He sees and knows the future. He created you, so He knows exactly what you need and the way you need it.

These words were directed toward Israel, but God wants all of His children to listen. Jesus said, "My sheep, listen to My voice."

Today, listen to God during your prayer time ... and throughout the day. The Holy Spirit is constantly teaching, guiding, coaching, and warning us. God wants us to talk to Him, then listen to His response. Practice being still. Clear the clutter Satan throws at you to muffle God’s voice. Open the Holy Bible and “read” His voice. It’s all about choices. Whose voice will you listen to?
Your decsion, one of 10,000 today, so choose well.

My Father and my Lord, I am guilty of listening to some other voice and giving it, not You, lordship over my life. Please forgive me. I know You have so much You are telling me through Your Holy Spirit in me … through Your word, the Holy Bible, and through my circumstances. Please help me open the ears of my heart, and tune my mind to Your frequency. I know Your plans for me are way better than he ones I have for myself … so in that moment of temptation, please give me eyes that see and follow You. I pray this in the name of the Your perfect listener, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Listen to me, O my people, while I give you stern warnings. O Israel, if you would only listen to me! … But no, my people wouldn’t listen … Oh, that my people would listen to me!
Psalm 81:8, 11, 13

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
John 10:27

He has never wandered off to do his own thing; he has been right there, listening.
Psalm 22:24

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stepping Stones: Taking Inventory, or Just Winging It

Transformational Thought

Business is often complicated and messy. Always in a rush … scurrying around … solving problems … putting out fires … personnel issues … contracts and deals. Good business owners slow life down, sort the pieces, and then count them. They take regular inventory of their stock. These inventories are a useful business-planning tool that can reveal growth or decline in productivity and show possible obstacles to growth. Most importantly, they guide and assist business owners in making changes for a better future.

The merry-go-round of life constantly accelerates, often moving faster than business, ‘til we hit the retirement home. Taking a regular inventory of our lives is mandatory. It helps us answer questions about the directions our lives take. Are we growing or declining in character development … in spiritual maturity? Are we moving toward our life goals, or do obstacles hinder our progress? Are we growing in our relationship with God? What changes do we need to make to move ahead more effectively? What strategies, if any, have we been using and are they working?

You see, we are lazy and don’t want to look back at our mistakes. Our strategy for growth is just to randomly “wing it today to get by, and come up with a better plan tomorrow.” Satan obviously wants to distract you from applying any of God’s teaching into a strategy for growth. When I sat and took a serious and brutally honest inventory of my life, I realized the Instruction Book of Life according to Karl really wasn’t working and I was my biggest obstacle. I then made a decision to follow God’s instruction book … and WOW!

Know that God loves you and He wants to help you eliminate the things in your life that may be hurting you and others. But before He can help you, you must face up to the fact that these problems exist. Remember … Jesus is with you. He will not disappoint you in your time of personal searching. Open your heart and challenge Him; He will reveal.

Today, be determined to take inventory of your life. Consider your relationships with God, your self, family, church, and your friends. Be honest. Ask God to help you see things as they really are … to face any obstacles, either in you or outside of you … without making excuses. In WITHIN REACH, we call this step Summary Thought. It is a powerful step in transformation.

Dear Father, I confess I make mistakes. Instead of trying to sweep them under the carpet, help me take a good, honest look at myself. Help me see what is pleasing to You … and what is disappointing to You. Help me understand a concrete plan to begin moving forward in areas of my life in which I am struggling. Help me to reorder my life under You and according to Your will. I want to develop a disciplined strategy and not just wing it everyday. I pray this in the name of Your Son who always searched Himself well, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD
Lamentations 3:40

For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.
Romans 12:3

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stepping Stones: Mystery and Power of Romance

Transformational Thought

Today is Valentine’s Day, a great day to be in love. Unfortunately, I feel convicted because I don’t express my love to my wife, Martine, everyday as I do on Valentine’s Day. But today, we are reminded about romance. Like other holidays in our society this one has become too commercial. But it can still serve as a reminder to us about the beauty of true romance.

No matter how we try to describe or define romance, even with the help of the best greeting card, it remains an awesome mystery. However, as with all aspects of life, the Bible remains the real source of the essentials of romance … the truth. In Solomon’s Song of Songs, we get a glimpse of the mystery and power of romance. In this most evocative description of romantic love we are taught that it means intimacy, connection, and intense emotional excitement. We see that deep affection inspires desire and complete appreciation for another … that being romantic means to pursue, at all costs, the object of our affection.

Isn’t that what Jesus did? Didn’t he pursue us all the way from heaven down to a dirty manger, giving up kingship to be subjected to a bunch of inferior, knuckleheaded humans, giving up His life very painfully? And the worst was being on the cross for 3 hours in spiritual separation from His Father and the Holy Spirit after having been intimately and eternally intertwined with them until that point. He willingly endured all that to be in a passionate and intimate relationship with each one of us.

The book of Hosea tells how we stray after superficial one-night stands, yet God still loves and pursues us. Oh, how He is saddened when we reject Him, just as our hearts break when we are rejected by others. (And we haven’t given Him even 1% of what He gives for us.) The most important thing we learn in Hosea is that God intended romance on Earth to culminate in the unbreakable bond of married love. It is a shame what we have reduced marriage, love, and sex to be instead of following God’s plan for how romance really plays out and is fulfilled. We miss so much blessing and fulfillment when we stray from His plan.

Today, in addition to or as a replacement for the card, flowers and candy, read passages from Song of Songs to your Valentine. Our Lord and God would not have provided us with this scriptural celebration of love and romance unless He intended it as an inspiring example for us. And then think about what God and Jesus willingly sacrificed and regularly do for you … to romance you. Why wouldn’t you romance them back? Your decision, choose well.

Prayer Bold
Dear Father God,
I thank You for the blessing of romantic attraction. I pray that all who are part of the Stepping Stones community would pursue their spouse and partner joyfully and creatively for all the days of their lives in a way that is pleasing to You. I pray this in the name of the one whom You sent to teach us how to love, Jesus Christ; And all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
My beloved is mine, and I am his...
Song of Solomon 2:16

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
Song of Solomon 8:6

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stepping Stones: Enabling: Good Intentions Gone Wrong

Transformational Thought

We have all seen a loved one make some destructive decisions. When someone we love is in the grip of a harmful pattern, we naturally want to help. In spite of our best intentions, our efforts are sometimes actually more harmful instead of helpful. We call this enabling, otherwise known as good intentions gone wrong.

Enabling allows those who are struggling to continue in their self-destructive behaviors. It keeps them from feeling the painful consequences that would have significant influence in convincing them to stop before their problem spirals out of control. Today's Scripture cautions us that if we rescue a person from the consequences of his or her choices, we'll just have to do it again … and again. We are then called a “nag” or a “martyr.”

Here are common examples of enabling. Do you find yourself covering up or “living with” the behavior of a friend, child, or loved one, or bailing them out of trouble? You might make excuses for them or even blame yourself for their problem. Are you reminding them to do certain chores or tasks so that they don’t get the consequences they deserve? Do you find yourself giving them "one more chance" … over and over again? Do you care more than they do about the consequences they might get?

A big component of our enabling behavior is our inability to tolerate negative feelings in others or ourselves. These feelings are generated when someone struggles and faces potential consequences. We feel very uncomfortable when they feel sad or hurt, or have to endure a consequence. So we keep nagging, threatening, or pushing them to accomplish their task, and sometimes we even do the test for them.

Today, be mindful that your responsibility to your troubled loved one is to be supportive and to facilitate their growth, not to inhibit it in their particular area of struggle. You need to empathize and pray for, but not fix it, because they need to learn how to fix it. You aren’t going to be around all the time. You need to encourage them when they have made an error, but not protect them from the necessary consequences. You must allow them to learn from the consequences of their actions and not rescue them. All of us need to look at whether we are helping or harming the struggling people in our lives. And then we can begin the process of being a supporter instead of an enabler. Let God, not you determine the consequences that will open their eyes, change their behavior, and hopefully, transform their heart.

Dear God, not fixing my loved one’s problems is so hard. My urge is to come to the rescue instead of letting her suffer the consequences. I realize I have to come to the rescue again and again … that nothing really gets fixed. Teach me to be a supporter instead of an enabler. Help me guide them to You … help me to trust You more. Give me the peace to tolerate my uneasiness and their discomfort. Help me to allow Your consequences and lessons for them play out. I pray this in the name of the one who gives me strength in all circumstances, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
A hot-tempered man must pay the penalty; if you rescue him, you will have to do it again.
Proverbs 19:19

And he was longing to be fed with the pods that the pigs ate, and no one gave him anything. "But when he came to himself, he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.
Luke 15:16-18

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stepping Stones: When Life “Just Ain’t Fair”

Transformational Thought

Life isn’t fair. You aren’t being fair. I just want what’s fair. That is such a double standard. We all have heard these statements at various times, right?

There are two primary perspectives regarding fairness. First, on a human level we are often out for “number one.” We don’t get mad, we get even. But this approach never leads to peace or contentment. In fact, the outcome is that we become covetous, cynical, bitter, and even hostile. Second, there is the divine level. God misses absolutely nothing (1 Peter 3: 12). He is completely aware of what we think, say, and do before it ever takes place. But we ask, “What about all the evil in the world?” Interestingly, God doesn’t operate in time as we do; we can be assured that justice will be served (Rom. 8:28).

1 Peter 3:13 tells us that honest people usually don’t suffer harm. For example, we pay our debts, and usually we don’t suffer financial trouble. If we lead a healthy lifestyle we usually live longer, and even better. This verse shows us that when we seek to do good, no one can effectively harm us.

When life is not fair, and when we suffer, the very next verse (14) promises that we can consider ourselves “blessed” if we suffer for righteous reasons. Obviously, we can also make decisions that carry unpleasant consequences when we violate God’s principles. But the Phillips translation of James 1:2 gives us comfort: “When all kinds of trials and temptations crowd into your life, don’t resent them as intruders, but welcome them as friends!”

Today, several insightful techniques can help us as we deal with suffering and life’s unfairness. First, we are called to patiently endure unfairness, so that we can know we are fulfilling God’s plan for us. Second, one day we’ll be rewarded for enduring these undeserved trials (James 1:12). Third, don’t panic and don’t worry (1 Peter 3:14). Fear comes from the Greek word “phobos” which means being seized with terror and running to take flight. God wants to give us calmness in our spirit. Fourth, acknowledge Christ as Lord over this event. In the book of Acts Stephen forgives his attackers, giving us an example of not reflecting back hatred and bitterness. Fifth, be ready to give a good witness (v. 15). We must know what we believe, and be able to be reasonable, intelligent, and gentle in giving our defense. And, sixth, keep a good conscience (v. 16). Integrity will silence and shame your slanderers. Job’s example shows that unjust suffering is always better than deserved punishment. These are all decision-making skills you can learn, practice, and excel in. Your decision, choose well.

Father God, thank You that You are full of compassion and are fully in control of all that You created. When we are allowed to suffer, let us not feel agitated and worried, but count it all joy, knowing that endurance will result in a crown of life. When we are slandered, let us not be crushed by others’ opinions, but help us live in such a way that no one would believe it! Help us to remember who we are and Whose we are. We ask this in the soothing name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus; and all God’s children say – AMEN!

The Truth
“When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to live at peace with him.”
Proverbs 16:7

“Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord – that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.”
James 5:11

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stepping Stones: Tie Together – Again?

Transformational Thought

Tens of millions of people in the U.S. are tormented by compulsive addictions according to the latest statistics regarding substance abuse and compulsive-addictive behaviors. An addict’s primary relationship is with a drug or a behavior, not with himself. Our society, in large part, denies the addiction problem. Treatment centers and state hospitals are closing, program funding is being cut, and insurance reimbursement for treatment is decreasing. The walking wounded are, therefore, on their own to get help for themselves and their families.

Physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological disabilities brought on by addictions are rampant. Major damage caused by drugs also includes the drug environment and the impurities associated with it, namely, secondary infections, especially with illegal drugs. This lifestyle, regardless of the type of addiction, causes a person to be only a shadow of what God intended.

There. That’s the bad news. Now the good news. Have you ever noticed what a bad rap the word “religion” has gotten? It doesn’t seem to be regarded today as the original word suggests. The root word is “ligio” (Latin) meaning to tie or bind together. For example, in a tubal ligation a woman has her tubes tied. “Re-ligio” means that something that was once tied became untied, and it is now re-tied or bound together again. There is no better example than the Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve disobeyed God, causing perfect fellowship with God to become untied. God’s plan of salvation, through Christ’s sacrifice once and for all, re-tied us back together into relationship with God for eternity, by His grace alone. He does the work.

Addiction is synonymous with idolatry. When we strongly desire something as much as or more than we desire God, we have given ourselves to a false god, a weak imitation. People have become unbound with God through their addictions. What we give our time, money, and energy to becomes our god. We become like our object of worship. It’s amazing to consider what we pursue to soothe our discomfort, and the dire spiritual consequences we choose to endure for a momentary thrill.

Today, if you have an overt addiction, know that God stands ready and willing to forgive and restore everyone who has been carried away by addictions. Let Him in. Trust His ways, and not yours. Becoming untied causes us to disintegrate. But receiving God’s gift of healing allows us to re-integrate, restoring us to what God intended in the first place! If you don’t have an overt addiction, examine what you go to when you are uncomfortable. If it is God’s word and prayer, awesome. If it is anything else, then you have an addiction and need to wrestle with that. Start to look at why you turn to those other items first.

Father God, You are our source and our strength, and a very present help in time of trouble. Deliver us out of the claws of addictions and addictive behaviors. We need Your supernatural strength to overcome the effects of mood-altering chemicals and behaviors that are self-destructive. Heal and restore us in body, mind, and spirit to what You intended us to be. We ask this in the powerful and comforting name of Jesus; and all God’s children say – AMEN!

The Truth
“Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
2 Corinthians 7:1

“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of a sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.”
Galatians 5:16-17

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stepping Stones: Check Up from the Neck Up

Transformational Thought

What’s the one major problem that gives believers in Christ the most trouble, today, in the twenty-first century? Probably the same problem that dates back thousands of years: being double-minded. James 1:8 tells us that a “double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” But what does it really mean to be double-minded? At times I know what I should do, but later that day, I may find myself doing the exact opposite, making a poor decision. Does that ever happen to you?

As believers we are instructed by Paul in Philippians to have the mind of Christ. Our love, affection, and devotion are to be for our Lord first and foremost. Whenever we are Christ-centered in our beliefs, thoughts, and actions, living for Him is our single purpose. James 1:14 tells us that we are tempted when we are drawn away, or carried away by our own lust. The word lust is the strongest word we have for desire, and it suggests this desire sets us up to be enticed to pursue the object of our lust. Our minds and hearts become divided in directions other than Christ, creating a schism or split within us.

Often we find ourselves immersed in situations and behaviors we really don’t believe in. Some refer to this as cognitive dissonance, or a disharmony within that feels like a splitting or tearing inside. We develop physical or emotional symptoms of agitation, anxiety, panic, and depression. We can become derailed in our thinking and motivation. Ultimately, as James reminds us, when sin is finished, it brings forth death and separation … from God, others, and ourselves. So much for being double-minded.

Today, submit to a checkup. Examine whether you are trying to serve 2 masters, God and yourself. Thankfully, God has provided the remedy through his Son, Jesus. As Oswald Chambers frequently taught, God has done for us what we could not do for ourselves. He saves, justifies, sanctifies, and empowers us with His Spirit to live for Him. But God will never do for us what we can do for ourselves, namely, build our characters or make our choices for us. In choosing to live Godly, we must have Christ’s mind and purpose. Your decision, choose well. WITHIN REACH is a workshop to help you apply the power of the Holy Spirit as you exercise your free will in making decisions.

Father God, thank You that you voluntarily assumed human nature and took on the limitations as a man; yet, You remained one hundred percent Divine. You lived a sinless life knowing that we could not, but counted us as righteous if we would trust and believe You died and rose again for us. Help us to live today for You, and prevent us from the condition of being double-minded. We ask this in the strong name of Jesus. And all God’s children say – AMEN!

The Truth
“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.”
Psalm 42:5

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
I Peter 1:3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stepping Stones: How Long, Lord?

Transformational Thought

I am so impatient when I watch TV. Can’t stand to watch commercials, not even Super Bowl commercials. How long till the game starts again? Have you ever said those words, “How long?” As in, “How long, Lord, until my prayer is answered? How long until life gets better? How long do You want me to do this without seeing results? How long do You want me to suffer? How long do I have to ‘just hang in there?’ How long ‘til my kids get along? How long ‘til my loved one stops drinking?”

When Joseph was sold into slavery and later spent years in prison, he must have asked, "How long, Lord?" When Moses led the Israelites around and around in the wilderness, he surely thought, "How long, Lord?" When Noah was ridiculed for 100 years while he built an ark on dry land, he must have wondered, "How long, Lord?" The Israelites have been wondering for centuries, “How long until the Messiah comes?” But each one of these trusted God. They respected Him enough to continue obeying Him even when it seemed that all hope was gone.

Perhaps you are involved in a ministry that seems to go nowhere. Yet, you know the Lord wants you there. Maybe you have been praying for an unsaved loved one for many years. Or perhaps you have a business that just doesn't come together, but the Lord has led you to continue. Be encouraged to revere God by continuing to obey him, even though you may wonder, "How long, Lord?"

Our nature is to want our agenda now. No waiting. Nobody else calls the shots. We avoid discomfort, and demand what we want when we want it. My kingdom come, my will be done. But waiting and patience are powerful teachers of many truths. This is how character and many psychological skills are developed. God knows the right timing. Bend to His timeline and your peace and growth will be unbelievable.

Today, be confident that God loves you. Examine your life to see what situation or area makes you impatient … frustrated … irritable. Make sure you are doing a good job with your part of the issue. Then accept that God has a different timeline than you do. Learn the lesson He is teaching. The situation is in your life to grow you … that is God’s purpose for all that comes into your life. He has a perfect plan for us. We (and others) just keep messing it up. His timing is always perfect because it is His timing. As Noah did, keep on "doing all that God commands."

Oh Father, Lord, help me honor You by trusting You and being willing to wait on You. Even though I get discouraged at times, help me remember that You are in control and that Your way is the best way. Your timing is the best timing. Help me be patient so I can show the world I am willing to wait on You, Lord. Thy kingdom come, not my kingdom come. I really don’t want to take over responsibility for the whole world, even though sometimes I act like it. I pray this and all prayers for the one who demonstrated perfect timing, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
I patiently waited, LORD, for you to hear my prayer. You listened and pulled me from a lonely pit full of mud and mire. You let me stand on a rock with my feet firm, and you gave me a new song, a song of praise to you. Many will see this, and they will honor and trust you, the LORD God.
Psalm 40:1-3

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Romans 5:1-5

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stepping Stones: Obedience and Respect

Transformational Thought

Respect and reverence have become negative and, at times, distasteful words in today's world, especially regarding Christianity. In some places, Christians receive disgust, animosity, and on occasion, hate and disdain. In the United States, Christians are increasingly viewed as opinionated bigots and narrow-minded people.

Thousands of years ago, God told Noah to build an ark to save his family because He was sending a flood to destroy all life on earth. Up to this time, people had not experienced rain…only a light mist that watered the earth. And here was Noah, building a humongous ship on dry land.

Nobody understood what Noah was doing or why…and actually, they never did until the rain started to fall as Noah had zero converts. Noah took their questions, laughter, abuse and ridicule…day after day, year after year, decade after decade…for 100 years.

Did they have respect for him and his faith? Not at all. The people were so evil that God would destroy all of them, so we could only imagine how evil their ridicule was and what physical persecution or sabotage they carried out on Noah, his family, and his ark as Satan undoubtedly tried to sabotage God’s plan. Hiding Noah’s hammer, spraying graffiti on the ark, vandalizing the ark, stealing supplies for their own use, throwing rocks at them while they worked. Think of the most violent labor dispute and picket line.

But did Noah continue to respect and reverence God by obeying him? Absolutely. Day after day, Noah plugged and chugged…yes, for 100 years of building.

Today, think about how people view you. Do you reverence God enough to honor Him, even in the face of ridicule? Are you hesitant to do what is right…instead falling into the trap of doing what is popular or politically correct, just to be accepted or avoid rejection? Do you love God enough to share your faith as God gives you opportunity? Some Christians risk even their lives by obeying God. How far are you willing to go to maintain your stand and to honor God? What will you do today to prove it? Your decision, choose well. WITHIN REACH can help.

O Heavenly Father, forgive me for my decisions to dishonor You by not speaking up when I knew I should …or by joining in conversations and actions that were displeasing to You. Help me to always honor You by making obedient decisions to follow You…no matter what the circumstances or consequences. Thanks for the examples of Noah, Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach, and Abendego, and ultimately, Jesus. Give me the power to love those who dishonor You, but the courage to stand up for You, and the discernment to know how so I honor You and respect them. I pray this and all prayers for the One who shows us the definition of obedience and respect by embodying it, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
Genesis 6:22

Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. And a servant girl came up to him and said, "You also were with Jesus the Galilean." But he denied it before them all, saying, "I do not know what you mean." And when he went out to the entrance, another servant girl saw him, and she said to the bystanders, "This man was with Jesus of Nazareth." And again he denied it with an oath: "I do not know the man." After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, "Certainly you too are one of them, for your accent betrays you." Then he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, "I do not know the man." And immediately the rooster crowed. And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times." And he went out and wept bitterly.
Matthew 26:69-75

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stepping Stones: We Say…He Says

Transformational Thought

What words come to mind when asked to describe yourself? Funny, cute, talkative, hardworking? Sometimes we might define ourselves by listing our failures and our negative traits. Shy, can’t catch a break, short, bald, never have enough money, not so smart, average. But God has a different perspective! If we are followers of Christ, here is the contrast between our view and God’s.

We say: I'm a failure. I can't do anything right.
God says: You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

We say: I still feel guilty about things I've done in the past, even though I've confessed it all as sin and don't do those things anymore.
God says: I blot out your sins and hold them against you no more.

We say: Sometimes I feel so unlovable. How can God possibly keep on loving me?
God says: Nothing can separate you from My love.

We say: I seem to always be worrying or fearful of losing my health, money, security, control.
God says: The righteous are as bold as a lion.

God sees us as righteous, wise, and forgiven. He sees us as His treasures, His children, the heirs to His kingdom. We have the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit in us, but we have to use them and submit to them, not squander them and use cheap, ineffective imitations. Christ bought all this for you through his death and resurrection.

Today, stop a couple times, especially when you are struggling in the day, and assess how you are viewing yourself, what your next steps in the day are, and why. Now contrast that with God’s bigger picture view of you and the actual reality of your circumstances. Often there’s a big difference. Search the scriptures to learn more about how God sees you … ask Him to help you see yourself through His eyes. Only then will you understand your true identity. Then you can really be all you are made to be.

Dear Father God, Thank You for clothing me in the righteousness of Christ. Help me not to think too lowly … or too highly of myself, but to see myself as You do ... and for the reasons You do … and to be grateful everyday for all the blessings of amazing grace You extend to me. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the One who teaches me how to see myself, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels.
Isaiah 61:19

But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
Isaiah 43:1-3

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stepping Stones: Who Are You?

Transformational Thought

When someone asks you the question, “Who are you?” what do you reply? Most say, I am a housewife … a psychiatrist (fill in your profession) … a father, soccer mom, or volunteer.

Sometimes a role we play in life can become our main identity. Our world then actually revolves around that part of our life ... and it can make us feel pretty good about ourselves.

Super mom ... world's best dad ... successful career person ... accomplished musician ... popular pastor ... well-known writer ... politician ... beloved teacher ... computer whiz ... helper of others: like doctor, nurse, volunteer for a non-profit, feeder to the homeless.

These can all be good roles to play—but, if we aren’t careful, they can hinder our growth and even lead to our downfall. When we start thinking the role we play is our main identity in life, defining us, our focus on Jesus and his plan for us will certainly diminish. Then pride can set in as we think this great accomplishment is our own doing. Or on the opposite end, fear can set in. We have to keep up that persona so people will know us and care about us … otherwise we wouldn’t know what else to do.

Watching the Super Bowl and these amazing athletes, you see that some of them get defined by their skill and then even develop a persona around that. Unfortunately, this posing leads them down some terrible paths. Mike Vick, Ben Roethlisberger, Tiger Woods, and OJ Simpson are a couple examples of what happens when what we do and are excel at becomes our identity and it gets out of control.

As Christians, we all have the same innate identity … we are children of God and followers of Christ. He will give us a different combination of gifts, have us grow through different experiences and situations, lead us into different roles, and give us opportunities to represent Him wherever we are and whatever we do.

But the bottom line is this: We are his children. That's our main identity. That's who we are … and nothing could be better. We need to keep that mindset and focus throughout each day, as this dramatically affects how we view the circumstances we experience and the people we interact with … everyday.

Today, think about who you view yourself as. How has this affected your course in life? If you answer the question, “follower of and ambassador for Christ”, ask if this is an intellectual answer only, or one that truly determines your thoughts, feelings, and actions in your experiences today? Make it your identity and attitude today! Your decision, choose well.

Father, thank You for the gifts and opportunities You've given me. Help me to always remember that I am, first and foremost, Your child ... and to use these gifts and opportunities to honor You. May I never become proud of myself for anything I do. Help me to always remember that all good and perfect gifts come from You. I pray this and all prayers for the One who gives us our identity, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
So I have reason to be enthusiastic about all Christ Jesus has done through me in my service to God. Yet I dare not boast about anything except what Christ has done through me.
Romans 15:17-18

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Stepping Stones: When The Laughter Ends…

Transformational Thought

Most of us have some degree of trouble admitting our true feelings or being able to express them, especially if we are struggling with life-interfering problems. But throughout the Bible, God encourages us to be in touch with our feelings and to know them. Then He doesn’t want us to keep them hidden inside. Jesus set an example for us: He had emotions and he expressed them. He cried. He got angry. He was sad. He was concerned and sweated blood in the garden.

We often hide the way we feel behind a defense to keep our real selves from showing through. Inside we may feel angry, or fearful or sad, but we hide those feelings by joking…or acting superior or looking important…using sarcastic comments…being silent…deflecting attention to something else…anesthetizing it with substances or food…isolating or employing some other defense. We may try to cover our sadness with laughter, but when the laughter ends, the hurt or loss remains. Hidden shame and sadness are roadblocks to hope and healing.

Hiding our feelings gives them control over our lives. Unexpressed anger, fear, unforgiveness, or guilt will have a destructive influence on everything we do. We only have a small box inside to keep these feelings in…it overflows quickly. And when it overflows, those feelings will come out into our real everyday functioning…that is a fact.

Your choice is very simple. Express your feelings as they happen in ways that are controllable, functional, measured, healthy, respectful, and useful to you while they match the situation. Or instead, while you are trying to hold in your feelings they will start to overflow from that little container inside and ooze out in ways that are uncontrollable, dysfunctional, random, sabotaging your efforts to deal with the situation at hand and move forward. This is what usually happens and why we are so afraid of our feelings or other people’s feelings.

Today, ask yourself this question: has your "cover-up" helped? Or have you learned first-hand that when the laughter ends, the grief remains? Your suppressed feelings are coming back to undermine your happiness and relationships. Admitting your feelings can be a turning point. Be honest with yourself…and with God…and then with a friend. Being real will open the door for healing. Journaling your feelings as they come up is a good step towards better commanding your emotions.

Dear Father God, I've been hiding my feelings for a long time, but I know now it's time to be honest. Help me to be real. Help me to have better awareness of my feelings and more control in expressing them. Set me free from their grip. Soothe me and increase my awareness of Your soothing. Help me to share my real feelings with my loved ones. I pray in the name of the One whom You sent to be my perfect emotional role model, Jesus Christ - and all God’s children said AMEN!

The Truth
Laughter can conceal a heavy heart, but when laughter ends, the grief remains.
Proverbs 14:13

Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,
and give no opportunity to the devil.
Ephesians 4:26,27

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stepping Stones: Super Bowl Level Importance

Transformational Thought

100 million viewers, $2.8 million for a 30 second commercial, biggest betting day of the year, 1 billion wings eaten, the day most pizzas ordered, and the worst day for domestic violence.

The Super Bowl is an unbelievable event…so much emotion, buildup, and expectations. The winner is remembered and worshipped forever and the loser is branded a choker…forever. Commercials, mega halftime shows, plays, players and personalities are seared in our mind or become societal icons.

One Super Bowl a year is enough, just ask my wife…could you imagine 2 a year, or one per month, or heaven forbid, weekly Super Bowls? We would be overwhelmed, on edge, emotionally spent, fed up, bankrupt, hung-over, and paralyzed.

Life is the same way. We have “Super Bowl” events…getting married, child’s birth, loved one’s passing, first day on the dream job, an affair, grand vacations, kid with a disability, first day of school, child leaves for college, divorce, get fired. You get the idea - they don’t happen every week. Then we have some “playoff game” events and some other life events that rank on the very-important-regular-season-game level.

The reality: 99% of life is either an average regular season or even a preseason game in level of importance and impact. The problem: we react to a lot of our daily events as if they have the importance and impact of a Super Bowl or playoff game. We forget these same events within 1-15 days. We can’t handle the emotional rollercoaster of 6 Super Bowls a year, let alone 3 Super Bowls a day. While only few people are “drama queens”, most people fall into the Super Bowl mentality trap. We feel so many things in life are all-important and life-changing.

One of the questions I ask patients (that they, even females, repeat to me years later saying it really impacted them) is, “Does that event really rate the ‘Super Bowl‘ level of importance you are giving it?” The question really helps people gain a more eternal, Godly perspective about everyday events.

Today, remember Super Bowl magnitude events usually occur once or twice a year. Look at how you react to minor disruptions and ask yourself, “Self, is this situation really a Super Bowl event in magnitude and long term impact, or am I having an exaggerated response?” If you are inappropriately Super Bowling it, ask yourself “Why?” and “How often do I do this?” Parents, you’ll probably be amazed as you contemplate your reactions to your kid’s behavior.

Dear Father God, thanks for being sovereign over all things…this truth, and faith in Your sovereignty gives me such peace in most situations. I confess though, that sometimes I over-react to the spiritual warfare and minutiae of the day and blow it into a Super Bowl level of importance. Give me discernment and the Mind of Christ to realize what really is important and what isn’t. I pray this in the name of the greatest ‘Super Bowl’ event of all time, Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection; And all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?
Luke 12:25,26

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:15-17

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stepping Stones: Super Bowl Memories

Transformational Thought

I’m a Steeler fan…born in Pittsburgh area…so Super Bowls in the 70’s, my teen years, were unbelievable memories as my beloved Steel Curtain smashed their way to an unprecedented 4 championships in 6 years. Awesome memories!

For a while though, Super Bowl Sunday also conjured up some terrible memories. You see, from late high school through college and into medical school, I made many poor choices leading to a significant alcohol addiction. Worst memory ever: Jan 25, 1987, Super Bowl Sunday…middle of medical school, an awesome future ahead of me. It started off at a party with a bunch of med school friends. Through a series of progressively stupider decisions…consuming lots of alcohol, winning $600, more “celebrating” at a strip bar, driving drunk (after a snow and ice storm), 6 counts of aggravated assault, a cut, bruised and battered body…I ended up in a Newark jail. Could’ve gotten killed or worse, killed others, several times that day.

Jail…it was what I needed at that time to protect me from myself, Satan, and the world…it was a great place to think. And God really spoke to me. I finally listened and was able to realize that life according to my instruction book…my kingdom come, my will be done mentality…wasn’t working. My hole kept getting deeper and deeper over a 10-year stretch. I finally understood what Jesus did for me, and what God wanted to do in my life…transform me and bless me with an abundant life by fulfilling all my needs. I started to really know, love, and delight in my Lord.

Well, it took me several years to sort it out and really appreciate that day, and now I look back and thank God so much for what He has done for and through me. My terrible memories of that one Super Bowl Sunday have been wiped clean with the blood of Christ. What He has blessed me with since then…spiritual growth, marriage, my girls, friends, profession, ministry, coworkers, experiences, has been beyond my wildest dreams, especially compared to being in jail facing felony charges. (Not testing God, I make sure I am in a safe place Super Sunday.)

Today, realize each decision, regardless how big or small, has definite ripples. Second, if you are experiencing difficulties, hope is in the Lord, not your efforts or abilities. Third, if you have done some terrible things in the past, God will forgive and help you move forward, using even those events in powerful ways to impact you, others, and His kingdom. Enjoy the game.

Dear Father God, You, Your love, and grace are truly amazing. I thank You for not leaving me even though I left You many times. Thanks for landing me in jail, so I finally could meet You and listen to what You had been trying to tell me for many years. Thanks for the tremendous opportunity to serve You and for Your willingness to use me in Your service…it is truly humbling. I pray this in the name of the One I delight in, Jesus Christ; And all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.
Psalm 37:4

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:1,2

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stepping Stones: Divorce: Despair or Trust?

Transformational Thought

Divorce is the ultimate relationship wound and loss. When marriage problems end in separation and then divorce, the loss is deeply experienced not only by the couple, but also by the entire family. It even impacts friends and often the coworkers of that family. Divorce can leave the family in suspended animation and battles usually rage for many years after.

Recovering from divorce involves working through a grieving process, much like when a spouse has died. It also involves making choices. You might not have had a choice in getting a divorce, but you do have choices in your response. Will you hold on to bitterness and anger…or will you forgive? Will you give up and give in to despair…or will you trust Jesus to help you rebuild your life on Him and not on your marriage or your spouse? Will you walk in fear…or will you be courageous to face the future God has for you? Do you trust you, marriage, your ex-, or God?

Satan and your flesh, filled with insecurities and hurt, will try to influence your me-centered focus to give up, to feel like a failure, to feel no hope is possible, and that you’ve lost everything. You have to resist these lies and distortions. Remember, Satan is the Great Deceiver. He has no other character trait to relate to the truth.

Divorce can bring one of the most intense pains possible into a person's life. But you don't have to go through it alone. Jesus loves you and wants to help you. If you will commit your ways to Him, the Holy Spirit will guide you in making those choices…He will give you the courage you need…and He will restore your hope. With God, all things are possible.

Today, if you are thinking about divorce, STOP! This is not God’s plan, and therefore will be a nightmare for you and a lot of loss for many. If you are divorced, dive into the Bible and get to a church based Divorce Recovery group so you can process and heal using Biblical truths and lenses. If you are a child from divorced parents, really examine the lies that divorce embeds in your mind about you, your parents, and relationships. If you know people in these situations, be there to help them genuinely heal and see God and life more clearly, because Satan really uses divorce to suck the soul out of people and make them his puppets.

Dear Father God, forgive me for the poor choices I have made in the past. I know divorce saddens You. My hurt and loss seem unbearable at times. Please help me access the strength, power, peace, and comfort You provide to overcome. I know that through You I will not just overcome, but even thrive as a result of learning through these experiences to put all my eggs in Your basket alone. Right now I have to make so many decisions. I need your help. Help me to choose the right path…the one that is right for my family and for me, and most of all the path that pleases You. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the One who shows us what step to take next, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.
Psalm 25:12

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
Matthew 19:6

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Genesis 2:24

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stepping Stones: What’s Your Body Image?

Transformational Thought

We need God. We won’t enjoy life, be fulfilled in life, or attain our God-given potential without closeness to Him. God desires it as well. Unfortunately, so many factors and forces keep us from this closeness to God. Eating disorders are one of those forces. 30-35% of our society struggle with significant eating issues that disrupt their lives.

“Eating Disorder” basically means unhealthy habits of restricting nutritional intake, overeating (yes, this is a large part of our American society), or being obsessed with or spending too much time focusing on or actually worshipping elements, rituals, or the results of eating. It really becomes an addiction. People tend to get so preoccupied with body image, and what others think, that they develop a distorted view of themselves. Their concerns, or lack of concerns, about food, diet, body, and weight even begin to affect their health, relationships, and their ability to function in day-to-day life.

Like almost everything in life, God gave us food to use in moderation. Too much isn’t good, but not enough isn’t good either. Our body is a temple for the Holy Spirit to reside in and God wants us to be good stewards of our body and health. But more importantly, we need to look at the psychological and spiritual aspects of our eating habits. If you are in this situation, determine not to let your focus on your body or food keep you from closeness with God and with others. Decide how you wish to spend your energy: pursuing the "perfect" image, or focusing on your spiritual growth and your personal and interpersonal needs.

The outside, what man sees, or the inside, what God sees. Society changes its view of what is beautiful...styles come and go. But God's view of beauty never changes. Identifying and challenging your distorted thoughts and feelings about your body and food, and keeping God's view in mind are essential to accepting yourself and your body. We all have feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. Don’t let food or your body image be your soothing mechanism. Let God and His grace and love bring you the peace you really are hungry for and crave. He is one buffet where you may eat all you can without consequences!

Today, as you approach food and eat meals, examine the importance you put on these elements. What do you get out of it? Are food and your eating habits a coping mechanism for you? Are you getting healthier, or are you harming your health? Remember, your value as a person is not based on how you look or what you do. Your value is based on the unchangeable fact that God loves you so much that He gave His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for you. Eating issues are about believing lies. Seek the truth. Your decision, choose well. WITHIN REACH can help.

Dear Father God, I've been pretty confused lately. I've been so concerned about food or used it to comfort me that I've ignored You…and relationships with others I care about have suffered. Please help me begin thinking more see things from Your point of view. Thank You for loving me just the way I am. I pray this in the name of the One who loves me as I am, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say - AMEN!

The Truth
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7