Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stepping Stones: Relax, Cease Striving

Transformational Tip
As a kid, when I wasn't connecting, heard, or taken seriously, I would go up to my room and re-create pro basketball games in my room using a rolled up pair of socks as a ball, and a hanging lamp played the basket. Fantasy helped soothe my hurt, distract my mind from the hurt, and escape to someplace where I was important, valued, and enjoyed. When we feel misunderstood, devalued, or just simply overlooked, we turn to things that we believe will make us feel better; eating, shopping, sex, alcohol, drugs, TV, pornography, gossiping, exercise, gardening, knitting, cooking, business deal, work project, the list is endless. However, after a mild blip of satisfaction, none of these things really make us feel better over the long run. None of these idolatrous substitutes satisfies the thirst for what we truly desire; God's compassionate, unfailing love. In fact, these substitutes, take us farther away from what God offers us.
Today, identify what you turn to in these situations. Recognize your pattern. Is it really self-protective or actually self-destructive? When you are feeling misunderstood, overlooked...hungry and thirsty for satisfaction remember this; God is the Lover of your soul, understands you perfectly, and loves you eternally. Reach out to Him through prayer, the Word, and listen. Cease striving and know that He is God!

Dear Father God,
I am so thankful that it is my soul that You love and not my appearance and performance. I am often dissatisfied with both of these...especially when I make them my focus. There are so many idols in this world, so many things to turn to when I want to feel better about myself, or to provide a distraction so I don't have to think about why I am hurting. Father, help me experience more fully Your unconditional love. Help me relax in Your loving presence and to always turn my focus to You. I know that You created me to know You, love You and make You the center of my life. I pray with hope in the name of Jesus - AMEN!

The Truth
Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted amongst the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10
"Though the mountains may be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed" say the Lord who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10

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